Payment options available are as follows:
The BPOINT facility is available for parents to pay online at their convenience. BPOINT is an online payment system which provides schools with a secure and efficient method of collecting payments from parents. BPOINT is our preferred payment method due to the efficiencies that automated receipting brings. Unlike BPAY, BPOINT allows payments to be made with an invoice number, eliminating any extra work staff may have to undertake in allocating payments from parents. The product is provided by the Commonwealth Bank of Australia and allows greater flexibility and increased efficiencies for schools.
Please remember that an invoice reference needs to be used. You will find this reference on the bottom of your Invoice - CRN:…….. and the Invoice No. ……… There is no requirement to advise the school as we receive automatic notification. Please refer to the link below:
Middle Park State School is registered for Qkr!. The Qkr! app can be downloaded to your phone and allows you to quickly and easily pay for school invoices for camps, excursions, resource fees, etc. Click here for further information to assist you get started.
PAYING BY INTERNET BANKING: Direct payment into school bank account
BSB Number is 064-173
Account Number is 00090129
Please record CHILD'S NAME AND INVOICE NUMBER in the details section so that your payment can be recorded correctly. If you require assistance, please contact administration on 3712 9888.
PAYING BY MAIL: Payment by cheque or money order
PAYING IN PERSON: Payment by credit card, debit card, cheque or money order
Payments are accepted at the money window (located to the left of the front door of the office in administration) between 8.15am and 9.00am. Please ensure any payments include student's name, class and details of what the payment is for. If any of these details are missing this may cause a delay in funds being allocated to your child’s account.
CLOSING DATE FOR PAYMENTS: Please note that payment cut-off dates will be enforced. Payment will not be accepted after the due date. Payments received into our bank account on the due date will be accepted.
REFUNDS: As the school budget cannot meet any shortfalls in funding
for an extra-curricular activity due to the subsequent non-participation of a
student who had previously indicated attendance of the activity, fees already
paid may be refunded in full or in part or not
at all, having regard to the associated expenses incurred and the circumstances
of the non-participation.
If a parent wishes to apply for a refund due to their
child’s non-participation in an extra-curricular activity, they may do so by
completing a
refund request form. Where possible, the request should include the receipt
relating to the payment for which a refund is being sought.
It is preferred that refunds be made as a credit against the
student’s account at the school, and used to offset any future charges.