Sports Houses
Our sports houses are Fraser (red), Bradman (green), Cuthbert (blue) and Laver (yellow). Children are allocated to one of these houses on enrolment. Our students participate in house swimming carnivals, house cross country, house athletics and sports days. These activities provide students opportunities to display the skills learned in their physical education lessons, with emphasis on participation.

Interschool Sport
Interschool sport is held on Friday afternoons for students in Years 5 and 6. Students involved in interschool sport are invoiced at the beginning of each "sport" term a fee which covers the cost of transport and the use of some facilities. Schools in the West Akuna District participate in the interschool sports competition. Each semester, different sports are offered to give children the opportunity to learn and enjoy a wide range of team sports. Typically, Semester 1 sports on offer are touch football, netball, AFL and soccer. Semester 2 usually includes flag tag, rugby league and basketball. The aim of this program is to allow students to learn new skills and demonstrate them in an organised sport environment and to encourage children to develop and display good sportsmanship.
Through the generous fundraising efforts of our P&C Association, Middle Park State School is fortunate to have a 25 metre swimming pool on site. Years 1 and 2 have swimming in Term 1. Prep and Years 3 to 6 have swimming in Term 4. A fee is charged to students to cover the cost of the lessons which usually run for eight or nine weeks.
Sporting pathways
Students who are 10 to 12 years old have the opportunity to enter the sporting pathway in a variety of team and individual sports. The pathway is as follows:
1. School Team (MPSS) attends District trial to compete for a place in the District team.
2. District Team (Northern Eagles) attends Regional trial to compete for a place in the Regional team.
3.Regional Team (Met West) attends State trial to compete for a place in the State team.
4. State Team (Queensland) attends National trial. In primary school, this is the highest level attainable.