
Pedagogical framework


Our Shared Vision - At Middle Park State School we enact our school motto "Each to Succeed". We believe that all students will reach their full potential. We will improve educational outcomes for all by setting high expectations, using data to inform teaching and learning and by fostering positive relationships. Our school community respects ourselves, others and learning. BE SAFE, BE CARING, BE A LEARNER.

High Expectations
At Middle Park State School we:
  • Believe that students can achieve academic success
  • Place emphasis on high quality bookwork and classroom display 
  • Set challenging learning goals for students
  • Engage in ongoing professional learning in school priority areas to improve pedagogical practice.
Strategies we use to achieve this:
  • Teachers articulate their belief in students  
  • Classroom display is current, relevant and organised
  • Teachers and students use MPSS bookwork policy to  ensure consistent bookwork and presentation standards
  • Teachers correct student work and provide feedback to each student consistently and regularly
  • Student goals are appropriate and challenging for our students. 
  • Teachers participate in coaching, mentoring, observations and walk-through activities
  • Teachers actively participate in professional learning opportunities.
Informed Teaching and Learning
At Middle Park State School we:
  • Implement The Australian Curriculum
  • Use explicit instruction in all classrooms 
  • Accept accountability for each student’s learning 
  • Use data to inform teaching, monitor student learning and reflect on teaching practices and school programs
  • Moderate for consistency of judgement 
  • Differentiate to cater for all student learning needs.
Strategies we use to achieve this:
  • Plan using Australian Curriculum and QCAA Essentials, C2C and Whole School Curriculum Framework
  • Use explicit instruction and Marzano’s Art and Science of Teaching approach
  • Teach reading and writing using Reading to Learn pedagogy
  • Undertake formative, summative and diagnostic  assessment and use this data to differentiate instruction to meet the needs of all students
  • Front-end assessment using explicit criteria, standards and A exemplars.
  • Adhere to the assessment and reporting schedule and record data on OneSchool
  • Moderate student work
  • Analyse, reflect and respond to classroom, year level, whole school and national data 
  • Set student learning goals, track progress and provide feedback to students about their goals (Reading Ladder, Writing Ladder, AC Maths Scope + Sequence)
  • Support plans are completed, shared with parents, reviewed and documented using Middle Park State School forms (Individual Support Plan, Indigenous Individual Support Plan, Advanced Learner Individual Support Plan)
  • Participate in data discussions with school leaders
  • Embed digital technologies in Middle Park State School learning experiences.
Positive Relationships
At Middle Park State School we:
  • Develop positive, professional student/teacher/parent relationships
  • Seek and respond to constructive feedback from all members of the school community
  • Provide constructive feedback to others
  • Collaborate in teaching and curriculum teams
  • Differentiate for the behavioural, social and emotional needs of our students.
Strategies we use to achieve this:
  • Set a positive classroom learning tone using Essentials Skills for Classroom Management 
  • Explicitly teach and model our school rules – Be Safe, Be Caring, Be a Learner
  • Explicitly teach and model the You Can Do It! Program - 5 Keys To Success 
  • Use SAS to gain student attention
  • Document communication using OneSchool (including relevant phone, email and face-to-face communication with parents)
  • Inform and keep informed using One Portal and email
  • Consistently implement behaviour management according to whole school systems and procedures - follow Continuum Of Support
  • Acknowledge student achievement by celebrating success 
  • Document achievement using Positive Behaviour tab on OneSchool  
  • Showcase the school to the community via Facebook, special events and publications
  • Support school community events.
Last reviewed 20 May 2021
Last updated 20 May 2021