
Head of Teaching & Learning - Support


Kaylene Frost: Head Of Teaching And Learning – Support (HOTL – Support)

At Middle Park State School we support student learning with quality teaching focused on improving the achievement of every student. Our school motto, Each To Succeed, is all about children achieving to their potential and achieving their goals.
The Head Of Teaching And Learning – Support works collaboratively with teachers to develop and effectively implement responses to students with diverse learning needs. We collect and monitor data about students in order to measure progress and to inform planning and programs. Differentiation is the key – catering for all students in the classroom to maximise their learning.
HOTL – Support organises and supervises many programs in the school to assist children to achieve their academic goals. The programs selected vary according to each year level’s needs:
  1. Extension programs for those operating above their year level expectations – reading, writing, numeracy and problem solving.
  2. Intervention support for those students who need extra support to achieve year level expectations – numeracy support, levelled literacy intervention (reading and writing), support-a-reader, speech targeted programs and phonemic awareness programs.
HOTL - Support, along with the Guidance Officer, Speech Language Pathologist, English as an Additional Language or Dialect Teacher (EAL/D), Inclusion Teacher and Deputy Principal are members of the Student Support Team. The team meet weekly to discuss identified students' needs and to provide support and advice to teachers to further their students’ learning outcomes.
HOTL - Support works collaboratively with teachers to devise individual support plans and differentiation strategies which take into account the students’ ability, interests, specific needs and learning styles to ensure the student is able to access the curriculum and improve achievement.
At Middle Park State School we believe that all students can learn and with informed, explicit and differentiated instruction, students can reach their full potential.
Last reviewed 11 June 2021
Last updated 11 June 2021